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Found: Inner Panacea

*only you can decide which oddities are worth keeping or eliminating some most definitely are worth keeping- the ones that make you feel alive keep- the ones that make you feel ugly and insignificant -discard*






 repeat regularly. 

Bonjour tristesse, I leave you without a second glance.

6hours to go until a new dawn greets me with its fiery dance.

No amount of Moons ago,  could I  foresaw this trip to  such a  bodacious planet.

Lavender dreams interrupted by the need for a bubble bath to cleanse my soul,

enrich my palate.

How it  leaves me in stark clarity,

 other daisies grow wildly in meadows.

2 am cleanse off- eliminate others’ unwanted worries and troubles.

Herbal tea infusions – a meet up with friends who know about life’s true haggles.

Comments intended to cut to the core.

Manage to lick-up   one salty tear

begging for more.

A soul is awoken when it faces all directions.

Never blind yet always courageous to evoke dear affections.

Common goals shared by trolls made by the same finger pointing corporation

Pity those who continue to live not a decade but over half a century in miserable devastation.

Hot water filling a tub – a sauna to enlight.


You are “divorced”, a drama queen, I only wanted a  shag.

It tickled your delight to dangle carrots when I was newly married

you are most certifiably unbecoming the state of inner jihad.

I’m  having fun acting in a workshop.

That accent is dreadful I can sign you up for electrocution elocution lessons.

Don’t mind me having a gas- the whole purpose of improvisation is to get involved.

 Don’t use me as a pawn for fear of being put under your harsh self-imposed scrutiny.

You are ugly.

 the biggest topic under dissection in a house full of self-confessed millionaires.

All those beatings, and  Sangria holiday hangovers yet,

 still, no permanent fix for happiness to last longer than a child’s joy at the penultimate of funfairs.

Three perfect lessons in all that is wrong not  with me, but with others,

who can’t equate strength alongside vulnerability.

How can it be true that the two run side by side like rivers?

 merging into one ocean of clear waters.

Confucianism arise in accountability.

No one can possess opposing characteristics!

 She does not conform to why we hate her

so, now we must turn up the  gas lighter

 justify our vexes and vehemence to assure we are credible witnesses, to attest, this Red lettered calamity remains  hidden,

 In dead carcasses.

Oh, Shame!

we shall honor you and remain her loyal Foe.

A few written words, at an ungodly hour.

I’ve never been one to conform to another with power.

Time is up, my bath tub is run.

Imagine it freestanding.

careless in an era where it is encouraged to be eccentrically unique. cartwheeling in a  quest to not only live and work hard,

 remember to have fun.

*inspired by toxic people.

Daisy, how can you just assume it’s other people who are toxic and not you?

Well, I say it takes one to know one.

I know how to be toxic, I’ve been toxic and I know how it feels to live away from toxic vibes and people. *

Just ice cross- fire

Bang Bang, I’m going to shoot you  dead!

Electric convulsive shocks creating heightened velocity in her head.

Trigger words of mothers who have died, snowed, under morphine.

Malignant lungs charcoaled.

The death rattle  – gargles and fills up  the lungs ready to  drown every last Mercedes Benz  dream.

Bang Bang –  a Prayer  sent up to her envisioned maker with  every bad lead thought that scatters  across her  mind.

Know psalms off by heart. Guy Fawkes terrorism  paid  for this public bonfire – doesn’t make it right -doesn’t make it an act of kind.

Chug a glass of spirited potatoes – grapes squish out the thoughts that stain thy window.

Moderation is not what she seeks, she merely wants to come to terms with her grief.

 Such a sudden blow.

Patriarchs invades her  self-made sanctuary – no amount of sage can expel the plague he carries.

Itching, biting, scabbed. riddled with disease.

Blackened limbs fall off – ebony  hearted-trickster – outlawed  even the one  he marries.

Therapy Cluedo  in the south of France, – sewn up mouths and eyes , compassionless –  flesh hanging – bubbled , leathered  and well worn.

Every day he promises he will leave. He promises he will come visit his own mother – She can’t speak or talk – she is one of the frail old born.

Forlorn- A bus goes by – Sunshades hide the tears pouring out of her eyes.

Waving off a friend she once knew –  she may be safe under lock and key – it doesn’t make her feel better when they embrace with such passion, it could stoke  a field of fires.

Brazen- bewildered – lice infestation  and puffed up Eskimo  mess – Look at this  fragmented shell , she is in need of just  one caress.

Consumed with guilt – that is not hers to own. It is the cat’s fault your  home is a shambles and smells of piss , whispers biased loose lips, fresh off a scandelous printing  press.

Chased out of her very  -own home –  headphones firmly planted  in her ears to make her life monotone .

A spectrum of color and vivaciousness she has lost- who can silence the screams pouring out of  her mouth in tones of monochrome?

Safeguard her from inbred exploitation – cast back this tokoloshe to  his own devised theater of purgatory.

If Jesus wept – he didn’t do enough- a lake full of holy water can never anoint  his aimless  trajectory.

Justice is who she sides with ,in every battle – Ready for an outbreak of  war – she will evict Denial from her friend’s abode.

No more dossing about and ejaculating  scandalous words  – lies -that make justice’s head spin around so fast. Run Tyrant -she is about to  explode.

Remember,  what  a scrupulous enemy she can make  out of you.

Manipulation test- she scored well  above average –     The school of the gifted bestowed her with the largest milked  cash cow taken from mother nature’s personal  reservoir of dew.

She knows the rules, she knows the moves- instinct  and empathy are her winning tools.

She cares not for  his  sexist Judgment  increasing multiples of spore bacteria – frozen in  barricaded  transparent  igloos .

All it takes is one breath of hers to melt him into a little boy blue.   crying profusely until he is nothing but another muddled puddle in the tarmac.

A careless afterthought only remembered  if one is quick enough to look at the sole of the innocent’s  shoes.

* inspired by my own personal feelings towards something I have witnessed in silence  for far too long. My fuse grows shorter*




Friendship (T Y 2 Untangled blog)

I didn’t think I would want to write tonight. Then I started catching up on your blogs and once again you inspired me.

THANK YOU TO UNTANGLED -your post inspired this one.

Friendship is a theme I feel embarrassed to write about.




I could blame my lack of being a girl with loads of girlfriends on being an only child but I have to be honest and say I was unofficially  “adopted “by a family of three brothers and a sister when I was 8 years old.

Life was good then. I know I have always been overly sensitive – blame that on insecurity perhaps.

Insecurity is a learned emotion. I’m learning to unlearn being insecure and vulnerable. I’m doing surprisingly well to be honest.

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Don’t get me wrong. I wasn’t friendless. I always had friends in some shape or form but I never could make that full sorority  sister- hood connection.

It’s not me!

I was the reader. The one who loved to look at family pictures and laugh about  silly shit.

I also moved around  from place to place -country to country- a lot. I don’t think that helped.

I appreciate the travel and the different cultures now but then it wasn’t so cool.

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I don’t know if this  is a mental illness “thing”. I do think having mental health issues took a lot of my time.

A lot of my years, to be exact. This is a valid point I am making – it is  MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS WEEK FROM 16TH -22ND MAY2016– the theme this year is coincidently about friendship.

This post is kind of coming together.

I like.

I  have had so many extend the hand of friendship over my life so far and I try . I do try and reciprocate….

….then I doubt myself.

I think are they pitying me ?  WHAT IS THEIR TRUE AGENDA? 

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I have been used -soemthing we can all relate too? Or is it just me?

Isn’t that sad – in a pathetic sort of way?

I don’t think it is easy to make genuine friends who will stick by you through everything.

I’ve had quite a few people( who seem to have the rock star of friendship crowds) – reach out to me to ask for my opinion or to talk.

I wander around my mind questioning why not their closest friends?


I’ve got my hen do coming up and I suppose that has got me thinking a lot about friendship too, for obvious reasons.

There is random assortment of lovely people invited.Some  I have known for many years in different ways and some not so long.

Surely, I can’t be the only one who feels this?

I don’t think people would volunteer if it wasn’t for at least part of the potential  social life aspect.

I see these girls with their girlfriends and I wonder…

I don’t wander.

I wonder…..




Why not?

Am I lonely? 

I think the saying about being in a room full of acquaintances and friends and still feeling alone and lonely holds true.

I sense  I could be on stage -people come to see me and still feel alone.


I was feeling kind of emotional a few days ago (that time of month, wedding stress and life ) and a bit insecure with this whole hen do coming up.

My Ma is organising it and she has invited a bunch of people –

I got it in my head that these people were using the pity card and I cried to my Ma on the phone – (yes, 34 year old women do cry sometimes)

“I don’t have any friends “

My Ma  was on the other end of the line and said

“I’m your friend” 

She is -possibly one of the best friends I have ever had.

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I said my good byes and wiped away my tears and then one friend I have known for years rang me. She is not very well. We have one of those when I see/speak to you -we pick up where we left off.

She wasn’t doing too well and I listened like I always do but then I had to tell her to listen to me.

This is new territory for me.

I told her all about my crap day and week  and the shitty people I had to talk too and she just listened. We ended the phone call -laughing.

Another friend rang me and again – not a person I see all the time but we had a good giggle  too.

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So this brings me to the question can a person who services your car, as an example, become a friend?

I am supposing yes. Especially, when I consider the amount of life details and secrets we know about one another.

To me  that person becomes my friend when I feel a sense/duty of loyalty towards that person.

I get on with guys but it would be awesome to find out what the whole ‘Sex and the city’  or ‘Friends’ friendship life is like.

So, yeah, I often took the lonely route to wherever I was headed -forever getting lost…


…even when the phone was shrieking at me to pick up  – people were reaching out to come and get me. I couldn’t reach back.

I can’t have regrets.

Not all people are meant to be friends.

Some I am glad I am not friends with. I have seen many fickle people in my time too. 

DUPLICITOUS is a good word for how  I’ve seen some people do “friendship”

I don’t need a hundred- a handful of close and true friends would be one genie wish.

I don’t know….

What I  do know is, that the ones who turn up to my hen do – there is a bunch of people I have known for many years and some only a few. We have all had our lives to endure and I’ve noticed a lot of the people I’ve got to know -hold back too.

So what?

I may not have a thriving social life with a hundred and one mates but the ones who let me be me and genuinely are there for me are the ones that count.

It only takes ONE to make it count…

Thanks for the inspiration….

I don’t feel embarrassed any longer.

I feel free and I feel authentic and I never want to fucking change that part of me.

that’s it. I guess 🙂