Choice has always and forever.

-Candor, heart spilling starch tumble dry fresh.

Ominous eyes on stalks can feel the tearing of flesh.

Lobster bisque – feel the pain- rubbing eczema flakes in the mesh.

Motivational mantras praying for imaginative depth.

A leap of faith from a dark quarry,   novels unwrap intoxicating pages saturated in meth.

White suits, red suits, black suits – jokester howls in lunatic tongue at his procurement of all laughter.

Voiceless, misunderstood, invisible  swan still morbid, unhappily ever after.

Death scents not in lavender bursts, clashes with stale tobacco.

Steven Hawkins robot voice stuck in a stench of staccato.

Future anxiety.

Past Regrets.

  Present lives in the moment -startlingly clear.

Blink and the eyes will miss it. Shut off all senses and lose the rest of the steer.

Grace be mine!

  Ego ride away on a horse of jaded divine.

Little Mockingjay prepares Dame to release her idealized body preconceptions. Babies speak in benign.

Selfish task force. Love to bind a new union.

Born addicted –   a chance encounter for a significant sibling reunion.

Selfish, marred acts of those who seek to atone for sins of Greed.

The world’s a lot smaller, fewer cards.

Time to make new memories in clear waters running with creed.

Tall orders,   cats mewling, and choleric baby withdraws from life’s order.

What a sappy mess they make.

  Second chances don’t come with a promise.

Each soul has its own border.

The ring of education – judicators,  over boil in an over timed pressure cooker.

Hungry students ready to whore out the possibility they carry the pearl.

Send out for the Hookers booker.

Close these scriptures. War wages paid out in illness.

 Mind cavernous in an unresolved mess.

Sales galore – glorified slave stitched clothing for all.

Moral urges to make do with a Makeshift dress.

Recycle on thought- careless whisper – the banana flavored condom went in the wrong bin.

Karmic balance.

Next time buy the toilet freshener with the least amount of Carcinogenic properties within.

The future promise of a surge in over priced goods.

Planning for this new hood smacks of a drugged reality.

Low suspension thoughts, feelings soar through the milky way- lost in an energy of fatality.

Maternally skinny – nourished on a liquid diet, uppers, downers and 7 0f your five a day.

recoil in horror for the day expectant ghoul comes from it’s decided gestational incubation from its hostess.

Who deserves to pay?

A hike up in rent for turning out disabled and bent or, a life staring into the consequences of hitching up an unhemed skirt?

Murderous plot.

Rumors of have not. Denial that life belongs under flowers in stalks covered with dirt.

There is always a choice, Never a right time to get to perfection.

One decision to make.  God willing, the next messiah is a fruitful resurrection.

About Daisy Willows

'Words are my everything' - Jon Wayne . A writer of poetry, stories, stage scripts, fiction, border line poetry & freestyle works, Music reviews, Guest Features/interview & shout outs. She is also passionate about raising anti-stigma & awareness for Mental Health. A trained co-facilitator in Wellness Recovery Action plan by Mary Ellen Copeland Natasha goes by many moniker names-Daisy Willows, bahtuhkid, GOAT2Bdazee. She has had a colourful life. Travelled. Natasha co-owns a second-hand clothing & accessories business -La Bella Bijoux Ltd Natasha was born in South Africa & is a French national. She currently resides in the UK Natasha Bodley holds a postgraduate in the Humanities. A BA in Myth in the Greek and Roman worlds & Advanced creative writing. She also holds a Foundation degree in Acting performance. She is currently working on her first novel (semi-autobiographical creative non-fiction). She has published one short story on Amazon called 'Number one' Connect with Natasha Collaborate with Natasha & feel free to Communicate her too. Light, Peace & Love!

Posted on Dec 29, 2021, in STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS COLLECTION and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 29 Comments.

  1. Your literature is certainly divergent and absorbing. I enjoy your spews and to be honest, I’ve never given much thought to the toilet freshener that I buy. I just check the fragrance and the price 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ha ha. Yes the toilet freshner made it into this piece because I was buying a product called glade. That I’ve only just found out is part of the brand Johnson- who sell loads of products including baby products and have been baited by the press for the ingredients they use and sell that expose to us and the environment. happy new year, Jackie 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Marvelous again!
    Wishing you a great New Year’s eve and all the best for 2017.
    Big hug, XxX

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Not to distract from your very well written piece, I saw 2018 as a date and had to contemplate what year we are in, did you mean in the future, am I sleep deprived, yes I am, was it a typo, or maybe it is 2018. I did just ask someone what they did for new years and they informed me it was december 26th! I did throw out half the fridge becaus i thought everything was expired and my husband informed me that i had the month wrong!!!!! Lets just say I am having some misfireing lately maybe due to small seizures?or anxiety? Or I am partially in lala world.
    Anyway, did you mean 2018? Or crap…. my vision is so bad it could say 2016 and i have written all of this for nothing. Shit i sound like a crazy person!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Awesome read. We are lucky to have you at SD!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Years end draws close, with new beginnings or a mental reset. I try the latter each year, sometimes it last a few months and sometimes not. Wonderful words Daisy and full of that melee of thoughts that waft through most minds at this time of year….well mine does at least !

    A year ago I was about to embark on a mindfulness course and engage therapy for very long term (avoided) mood. It’s not gone, probably never will be, but things are being controlled more…if that’s the right word. I’m hoping next year will end with a positive list like the one I’ve kept this year. That helps me balance the negatives which I seem to collect far more easily!

    Hope you have a good New Year 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey Gary, I’m glad 2016 was not as bad for you as a lot of people are making out on social media. I am eager to get on with the new year because I have so many things to finish and start. Every year has its highs and lows. I think I’ve have found a kindred spirit in you who gets that a new year doesn’t mean that everything is going to sunshine and roses. Are you going to do the mindfulness course this year? I could give you a suggestion about a plan I use in my everyday life only if you want to know about it😊

      Liked by 1 person

      • I tend not to use social media to upsize my negativity. It’s there yes, but I’m trying to move into a more postive way of thinking. Overthinking things is not a method that works, especially for me…and I will wager very few really benefit from it. In mindfulness they call that the default mind, or comfort zone. Once established it does everything it can to stay there. Positives that do exist are run over before they can wrench the mind back into using the executive forebrain which makes the logical decisions. Instead of evidencing the default mind goes from thought to outcome in one fell swoop. I could write a treatise on the concept now. I see the new year as n opportunity now…one to move things onwards and build on what I achieved this year….by the way a year ago I would never have used that word…achieve !! Love to hear your plan though. I’m always open to new methods….as for the mindfulness course, I may do…but I may use the Kindness Challenge to explore that area too.

        Liked by 1 person

    • It is called’s not about taking your issues away but dealing with them in way that you have responsibility for . Anyway you have a fab new year I’m having a quiet as is always the case being a parent ha ha. Take care.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Should have read this first !!! Yes, I think I apply a similar concept. Own them issues lol. Let’s face it, you can’t simply pretend they don’t exist…it would be nice if they didn’t, but at the end of the day they are past decisions, choices or nuture issues…the word there being PAST. It’s gone, poof, can’t be changed so dwelling doesn’t actually achieve much apart from continuing the cycle of blah. Hardest bit for me was realising that and then not crumbling on all the years lost in a bad state of mind! In truth, that part is worse for me than dealing with the issues below it. You can’t get that time back!

        Somehow I think we could mull things over for hours on this! And ha, yes…parent….mine are now 17 and 15. Scary how time flies there ! Hope you have a wonderful New Year and I will up the ante and say hopefully it will be a positve one…even if politicians are doing their best to make it grim 🙃

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hey, Gary. I have deactivated my social media accounts a few times and then caved in. I think the best way to get away from that is work and keep busy. I did get into mindfulness at one point – I have written it down as one of my wellness tools, co-facilitate which I created when I did my own Wellness Recovery Action Plan., I use it or try to keep me well. I tend to find mindfulness works better for me when I am doing something – like washing the dishes. I struggle to just sit and focus on my breath and lay still -lol.

        I don’t do New Years Resolutions. Never have. So, like you I’m building on the goals that I have already started, am in the middle of or committed myself to. I do like the word ‘Achieving’ – I believe in that whole theory ‘we are what we tell ourselves we are’ – so for example – when I did WRAP as a “student” lol before I went on to do the training to co-facilitate groups, I came up with a mantra – I am successful in whatever I do’ – I’ve got that mantra pinned up where I can see it every day. I’ve used it since Dec 2015 and there are many times I don’t believe it but I tell myself it anyway because I believe that Mantras are like mini prayers we tell ourselves.
        People who believe in some faith or God – in times of when they seek Hope (an example) is they pray to their God or do some kind of ritual in the hope that their prayers will be answered. I see mantras as my way of praying ( in a really CBT kind of way lol) – Nicki’s kindness challenge is very popular and I would seriously consider giving it a go.
        I am going to bring WRAP to this blog when I feel experienced enough- it is not therapy but I am working in the real world to pass on what I know and in turn learn more because it believes it works – there is no one way to cope with life, in my opinion. So, like you, I am open minded to hearing how other people cope and why and I’m just the kind of person interested in knowing about others. Maybe I’m nosy but I am no gossip ha ha!

        It hard to let go of the past. I find writing stories and stage scripts and venting on this blog helps me deal with issues. Another way of expressing myself, I guess.
        Once I have let go -well that’s it. 😀 Dwelling in the past affects me and my whole life so I have to cut ties in order to move on else I may as well dig a grave for myself. So, I think I can relate to what you are saying. Time is indeed precious. My little girl went 5 in Oct and I’m 35 and I’m thinking about having more children.That is a whole other conversation. It will turn into my own manifesto – should I shouldn’t I – pros and cons – ha ha!

        Yes, here’s to a great new year achieving! Politicians will do what they do- we need to do what we need to do.


  6. further touched
    further to fly
    in the frozen late
    december ice and snows!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. We either are running a way from something
    Or are running to……
    For me I don’t know which is worse
    Lately my mental and physical has been pushed to the wall
    Not a happy camper

    Liked by 1 person

    • So true, I’ve sensed all is not well with you, I’m not psychic r anything like that lol but I guess I am sensitive and perceptive at times. I have to stop myself from getting in touch with people and saying, I sense something is wrong. Anyway, I digress…. I think sometimes we get torn trying to do both. I feel that way a lot of the time.

      You have my email? If you want to offload- feel free 🙂 otherwise virtual hugs until this passes. we need to turn you into a nomadic camper- maybe a change of scenery? I’m hoping to do that with my own issues. 😀

      Liked by 2 people

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