Heart lurch

Sometimes I feel like an aged whore


Men only want me for a shag


Nice bed.I’ll nail it later.

Like nothing happened merely past the bedhead look


My features won’t betray the truth I wear on my sleeve.




And other adversities


Is my sexuality all I have to offer?

Give it some clout

No need to rinse or buffer.


Mantras ‘you’re good enough

Don’t manifest a reality I wish to create


Rage & anger

Stupidity & tears


Self-hatred has become an overdue break up with that same old date.


This is my mind speaking

My heart sighs

Then pleas

To one day be a freeborn

Wings spread airborne

Follow the winds

Nature’s heartbeat

Repaired again

Not broken nor torn

Glued back together

Reckless risk-taker let no arrow

Poison dipped

Enter my chambers

Rose-tinted glasses make dead flowers appear good.

Posted on Jul 7, 2019, in POETRY and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 11 Comments.

  1. “There is no god, but don’t tell that to my servant, lest he murders me at night.”

    Quotes from a book…
    I am sorry for what you feel.. but there is no one other than the self to console you…hope you will feel better soon daisy

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So much hurt and pain. Emotional piece.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. very good. heartbreaking and thought-provoking.

    Liked by 1 person

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