Hi all,

I started blogging  in September 2015. I had been putting off doing it for far too long. People won’t get me, my writing will be rubbish. You know how those garbage- can thoughts can infect the mind sooner,rather than later. 

It’s a big day for me. So I am going to pat myself on the back and say ‘well done- keep persevering’

I follow some incredibly diverse blogs but also many blogs about people with mental health issues. This subject is close to my heart and in my head -sometimes they are  loud and sometime  a little  murmur is all I hear.


I don’t want to go on too much but getting 100 word press followers is an epic milestone for me.thank-you-for-one-hundred-followers.png  I read your blogs and am blown  away by your talent and imaginations and your realities and how you put all this into words. I would like to add that none of my friends or family have supported me and that is what makes this achievement so valuable. I can connect with people and I’m good enough. 

So , let’s all raise a glass of whatever your favourite tipple is and cheers to you all. Cheers-GIF.gif

Posted on Jan 31, 2016, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Cheers! Congrats! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you! That means so much to me. I guess getting up at 4 am has it;s perks after all 😉


  3. Advanced Research Technology

    Fast track Bubbly. Cheers! You started after me and see… you’re ahead. You have something we all need to hear. Keep up the good work!

    Liked by 1 person

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